The Pursuit of Wise Counsel


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service

May 15, 2022

Have you ever made a decision that made you wish you could rewind the clock and go back in time to do things differently? How did Godly counsel play a part in helping you to make that decision? There is wisdom in surrounding oneself with people who can help us navigate the challenges we face in life. 

What Godly counsel have you surrounded yourself with in this time (for relationships, spiritual growth, work and finances, etc.)? What challenging situations are you facing in this moment that could really use divine insight from the Lord and the people He would place in your path? 

Your life is way too important to miss the signs God wants to show you.  He wants to help you make the most of the time that you've got right now. Discover how the guidance from Godly counsel can help you make the most of each decision you make.