

Sunday - 10AM Worship Service

I Am You 360

Desiree Cook | Founder and Executive Director

I AM YOU 360™ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Since 2014, we have served the most vulnerable, including homeless and foster care youth through a holistic, unique and innovative approach to ”remove the band-aid” of this national and local crisis. According to the latest report from the National Center for Homeless Education, “more than 1.5 million public school students nationwide said they were homeless at some point during the 2017-18 school year.” In Pima County, there are 7,000 homeless youth and over 3,000 children and teens in foster care. Many do not have their basic human needs met or are not treated with dignity. Help us reach our goal to provide customized and personalized services and programs for 2,000 of our youngest community members.

Visit I Am You 360 Website

Praying Pelican Missions

Jeff Logsdon | Partner Advocate for Tucson

Praying Pelican Missions is an interdenominational ministry that seeks to connect the local church on a global level in three primary ways: providing short-term mission trips locally and internationally, supporting and training international church leaders through PPM365 and by providing disaster response to specific areas in need. Our church leaders, Jeff Logsdon as well as Cyndi Lakey, both serve in this ministry.

Tucson is one of the many cities that PPM sends its local missions teams. Hope City Church has been blessed to open our doors to allow these teams to stay on our campus while they are with us. While our church provides a safe place for these volunteers to sleep, we have a vision to expand our service to them with a place to shower as well. 

The Shower Project 

With Rocky's help, a contractor was immediately identified for this project. As we speak, there are grants being pursued to help fund the $42k required to help build this shower structure. Hope City also has partners who have said they want to contribute to this endeavor. That's awesome! Go God!

If you would like to donate in any amount, you may do that here.


More PPM teams means more lives being touched throughout the City of Tucson and these showers will help facilitate more teams among the other opportunities being explored to bless our surrounding community. There are at least five other churches in Tucson who host these teams when they visit our city and we are always looking for partners in our community to help provide service projects for the groups who come to serve.

Visit Praying Pelican Missions Website

Harvest 912

Tad & Kit Jakes | Co-founders

Harvest 912 was founded in Pennsylvania and their mission is to deliver foot care, new boots, basic necessities and the love of God to those in need. Foot clinics at the Tucson Chapter involve foot washing, personable care and treating all people with dignity and respect. New boots are given to first timers and everyone is invited back weekly to get their feet washed. We are open on Thursdays, from 10:00AM-2:00PM in the building next door to Hope City Church.

Visit Harvest 912 Website

East Tucson Neighborhood Food Pantry

Debbie Struble | Executive Director

The Tucson Neighborhood Food Pantry (TNFP) is a ministry of GVR Connect/God's Vast Resources, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit corporation. Established in January, 2013, TNFP serves approximately 225 families per week.

TNFP’s goal is to alleviate hunger in Tucson by collecting food for distribution via a network of non-profit organizations, businesses and individuals. We provide perishable and non-perishable food, hygiene items, household supplies, baby essentials and pet food.

GVR's clothing bank provides free clothing for the family several times per month.

The TNFP receives its support from the community, charitable organizations, and corporate sponsorships.  TNFP is not a government-sponsored organization; therefore, there are no eligibility requirements and clients may receive food assistance once per week.

It is our desire that every family have the opportunity to eat nutritious foods, and never go hungry.

Visit East Tucson Neighborhood Food Pantry Website

Hands of Hope Tucson

Hands of Hope Tucson is a registered 501(c)(3) with a medical and trained staff who have been helping the Tucson community with sexual health resources since 1981.

The Hands of Hope Mobile Medical Unit provides quality medical care and practical support that is safe and confidential. The Mobile Medical Unit is located on the Hope City Church campus on most Thursdays from 8:30-3:00 offering free ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, and limited STI testing. Specialized counseling and educational resources are also available during this time. 

Visit Hands of Hope Tucson Website

Pro-Love Tucson & Embrace Grace

Pro-Love Tucson and Embrace Grace partner together to provide support and resources for those experiencing unexpected pregnancy.

Hope City hosts an Embrace Grace support group on our campus. One of our leaders, Sonya Smith, helps to co-lead this group. She ensures that all who attend know they're loved and accepted. She especially enjoys getting to host a baby shower for those involved. This group requires pre-registration to attend. If you or someone you know is interested please contact Pro-Love Tucson for more information.

Visit Pro-Love Tucson Website

Visit Embrace Grace Website

CarePortal Tucson

Adam Kemper | Regional Manager for Southern Arizona

CarePortal is a ministry platform of The Global Orphan Project, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. CarePortal is a connecting technology that drives action for local children and families in crisis who have experienced maltreatment due to poverty, neglect or abuse. This ministry seeks to prevent children from entering the foster care system as well as providing assistance to those exiting the foster care system. When these families are in need of practical support, such as needing furniture or vehicle repairs, these needs are placed on CarePortal and those in the local church are made aware of how they can help. You can sign up to be alerted to these needs by clicking here.

Kari Marsh, one of the leaders here at Hope City Church, is our CarePortal connector. She is passionate about serving those in need and providing them with practical care.

Visit CarePortal Website

Interfaith Community Services

Interfaith Community Services is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that works to provide pathways leading to more stable and self-sufficient lives. Their services include emergency financial and food services, self-sufficiency programs to help with employment, schooling and housing, senior services and community health outreach and education.

Visit ICS Tucson Website